The Stolen 2020 Election
It didn’t happen. Vote counting suddenly stopped in five swing states, all about the same time. Independent, GOP and libertarian election observers were either ejected from the counting facilities or required to stand extreme distances from the count. Trump leads of, for instance, 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania, 295,000 in Michigan, 120,000 in Georgia and 116,000 in Wisconsin evaporated. Biden inched ahead, helped by highly suspicious, nearly 100% pro-Biden vote dumps of, for example, 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. November 4th in Michigan and 143,379 votes at 3:42 a.m. November 4th in Wisconsin. A few days later, the former vice president was declared the winner by most major media outlets.
Did he win fair and square, despite the massive anomalies that occurred in the early morning hours of November 4th? Or was there massive fraud – election cheating on a scale never seen in U.S. history?
The latter. A sophisticated, multi-faceted fraud operation stole the 2020 election from President Trump, several U.S. senatorial and congressional candidates, and most importantly, from the democratic wishes of the American people.
For proof, let’s first examine what happened from a common sense perspective, over and above the previously mentioned stoppage of vote counting, massive Biden vote spikes, and calculations of oddsmakers. Consider the following:
1. Of the nation’s 19 bellwether counties, Trump won 18 of them.
2.Of the 29 congressional swing districts, the Republican won 28.
3. Biden only won 16% of the U.S. Counties, a record low for the presidential “winner.”
4. Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking re-election. He got 11 million more than 2016, the third largest rise ever for an incumbent. By way of comparison, President Obama was easily re-elected in 2012 with 3.5 million fewer votes than in 2008.
5. Trump drew massive crowds at his rallies, while Biden’s numbers would barely fill his basement. An estimated 1.1 million supporters attended Trump events from Labor Day to election day. Biden attracted a total of about 2,000. That’s a 550 to 1 ratio for Trump.
6. Trump had four to five times the following of Biden on social media. During election season, Biden’s Twitter account had 20 million followers, while Trump’s had 88.8 million. Biden had 7.78 million Facebook followers. Trump had 34.72 million.
7. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s vote in every urban US county except Democrat-controlled Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Atlanta, the exact cities where the worst election fraud was committed.
8. Trump’s easy wins in Iowa, Florida and Ohio, but losing the electoral vote defies historical logic. Only Richard Nixon in 1960 won those and lost the presidency. His loss to John F. Kennedy is still under great suspicion.
9. Trump grew his support among black voters by 50%, increased his national Hispanic vote share to 35%, and won a record 95% of the Republican vote.
10. If Biden actually won, why are the Democrats and some Never Trumper Republicans trying to block the forensic audits?
Thanks to the tireless work of key patriots, vast hard evidence of 2020 election fraud has been compiled to support the anecdotal. Economist and former Trump assistant Peter Navarro researched what happened in the six battleground states and read through each of the 3,000+ affadavits of election workers, poll watchers and regular citizens who observed improper activity. In “The Navarro Report” he tabulated the various types of potential fraud by category and state. Examples of vote irregularities and illegalities include dead voters, double voters, underage voters, illegal alien voters, felon voters, and absentee ballots that arrived after election day or had no postmark, voters with no verifiable address, equal protection violations, and voting machine irregularities.
The results were alarming. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada had a combined total of more than 3,000,000 illegal votes, according to Navarro,or ten times Joe Biden’s margin of victory in those states.
Navarro concludes that it’s irresponsible in the extreme for Democrats, RINO Republicans and most journalists to ignore or deny evidence of extensive election irregularities. “If we don’t get to the bottom of this,” he said, “it will be the end of American democracy as we know it.”
Until recently, Mike Lindell was best known as the former drug addict who built a multi-million dollar business after inventing a popular pillow. His commercials appear everywhere, especially in conservative media. While he talks like the plain spoken neighbor next door, he’s a math, marketing and numbers whiz who studied calculus in eighth grade and was a professional card counter.
Lindell suspected fraud when the November 2020 results came out. He then spent millions and took several months investigating what happened. Lindell hired non-partisan research scientists, PhD mathematicians, and cyber security experts, including some who worked for the government. He had his findings independently verified several times and has produced five documentaries which detail the results. In a nutshell, here’s what he found:
Trump won in a massive landslide, 80 million votes to 68 million for Biden. The Republicans won at least five more U.S. Senate seats, several U.S. House of Representative races, and many state legislative races that were given to the Democrats. In other words, they should have control of the legislative and executive branches.
Cheating happened in all 50 states, although it was much worse in states that had loose voting laws and were vital to Democrat victory. Lindell’s experts have recordings of all the voting machine vote flipping, the majority of which originated in China. They “packet captured,” through the internet exact time and locations of when every machine vote was changed from Trump to Biden, or just added to Biden’s total. “It’s like having DNA evidence of a crime scene, or a video recording of a bank robbery,” says Lindell. “It’s absolute proof.” founder and technology expert Patrick Byrne reached the same conclusions as Lindell and Navarro after his exhaustive and expensive investigation. A libertarian who didn’t vote for Trump, Byrne says he “wanted to do the right thing,” and would have done it for Biden if he thought the Democrats were cheated. “We had them dead to rights,” says Byrne, but “few around Trump were willing to fight.” Byrne thinks if Trump had hired General Mike Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell in January, 2021, he might still be president.
Dr. Douglas G. Frank is a PhD physicist who appears in some of Lindell’s documentaries. He studied the election from a large data set perspective, trying to determine both if and how the election was stolen. He discovered unique patterns in each state, where the opposition programmed, through algorithms, what percentage of votes they needed to manufacture a win in a specific state. The problem was they underestimated Trump’s popularity by several million votes. The president exceeded the algorithms and still would have won the election despite massive cheating.
That explains, in Frank’s analysis, why they stopped counting votes late at night on November 3rd. They had to manufacture more votes either by ballot stuffing or through Dominion voting machines – the same voting machines that were used in Venezuela to steal elections. “They can’t refute it,” concludes Frank. “It’s data…. it’s math.”
While evidence of election irregularities continues to mount, enough was known in early January to shed doubt on Biden’s win. But our institutions failed us. The DOJ, FBI and CIA wouldn’t investigate, the courts refused to weigh evidence, most media outlets wouldn’t cover it, and 93 U.S. senators, including both of Oklahoma’s, agreed to certify the highly questionable results.
It was not their finest hour. In fact, Senator James Lankford went one step further by issuing a groveling apology letter in which he claimed the objection to the electoral college vote was racist and disenfranchised “the validity of votes coming out of predominantly Black (yes, he capitalized it) communities like Atlanta, Philadelphia and Detroit.”
Enter 29-year-old Tulsa pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, who’s waging a spirited, grassroots campaign to unseat Lankford in the 2022 Republican primary. “When James (Lankford) certified the big lie,” Lahmeyer recently told a raucous Norman crowd of 2,000 people, “he joined the big lie.”
“Our country is in trouble,” he added. “We’re under attack from radical leftists... .Lankford’s a good guy, but he’s not the right guy for our times. We need fighters, not appeasers.”
Can he win? It’s never easy to defeat a Republican incumbent in a red state, but events could play in Lahmeyer’s favor. The number of Americans who believe the election wasn’t free or fair keeps rising. Plus, the disastrous effects of Biden’s policies will make more realize that political cowardice can have tragic consequences.
Tim Bakamjian is an independent real estate broker and investor living in Tulsa. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Kenyon College in Ohio and a bachelor’s in journalism from the University of Tulsa. He’s married with one grown child. Political and economic issues have been a life-long interest. He may be contacted at:
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