Pictured: B.L. Cozad, Jr.
The Globalist Animal Rights Agenda
In Genesis 1:26 and 1:28 the Bible professes this truth, that God himself gave man dominion (meaning control and rule) over the earth, animals, fish and fowl. What man, group of men or government has the authority to supersede God using the excuse of protecting animals? If one owns an animal, it is the property of the individual to which belongs all God given dominion.
An individual may give the animal(s) they own whatever rights they choose to give to their animals. Such as you may allow your animals to enter your house, to lick your face, to get on your couch, to eat off your table or sleep in your bed. However you do not have the authority to demand that another person allow the animals they own to have the same rights you give to yours.
Americans must realize that “animals are property” of the owner and as such have only the rights that the owner gives.
All animals are food sources as all animals are a potential source of revenue which allows the owner to either earn money from the harvest of the animal and/or to harvest the animal itself as a food source and there are those corrupt individuals within our own government that would take control of all food sources.
As globalist Henry Kissinger stated: “control oil to control the nations and control the food to control the people.”
Our founding fathers understood that the right to own and exercise full control of one’s property whether it is animals, land or ideas is the only way that people can truly have freedom and the ability to control and determine their own destiny and position in life.
Several years ago I started explaining the United Nations Agenda 21 plan to people, Agenda 21 gradually became Agenda 2030 as the global elite stepped up the timeline of their plan. The New Green Deal exposes some of the individual policies that are meant to support the globalist’s United Nations Agenda.
Understand that this plan is NOT for the United Nations to take over countries by force and convert them into a New World Order based on communism, but is instead a plan making the suggestions for policies that federal and local governments should institute whereby our own governments would convert themselves to communism.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Jeff Bezo’s, Mark Zuckerburg and many other billionaires are working feverishly to convince our government officials to adopt the policies of the Globalist’s Agenda 21 plan .
I wish more people understood that the goal of the Globalists behind the UN Agenda 21 plan includes halting all animal ownership. It is very real and taking place right inside America with the support of many of the elected officials in Washington DC and many State level leaders like Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom.
The ultimate goal of the United Nations Agenda is to force rural people off of the rural land and give control of the natural resources contained within the rural lands to international corporations owned by the global elite. This means the same international corporations which support the United Nations Agenda which calls for reducing the population by 75% would in truth take over all food production.
Americans must wake up and realize these attacks on our rights are coordinated and carefully orchestrated to foment the plan of the global elite. The people of every country must become aware the goal of the globalists is very real and the controligarchs are determined to bring their Agenda 21 plan to institute global communist controls on all nations to fruition and if the global elite accomplish their goal,they will have total control of all food and water sources, and just as it was during the time of the Kings and Queens of old, the people of the world will once more be slaves of ruling families.
Read through the research paper of Professor Boria Sax titled “Understanding Nazi Animal Protections and the Holocaust” and learn how Adolf Hitler used animal rights laws to reduce man to the status of an animal thereby allowing the Nazi’s to treat some segments of society like animals.
Giving animals rights removes God as the source of our rights, undermines human rights and reduces all men to the status of government owned “manimals” (slaves), with only those rights the government gives to us.
We must educate ourselves to the restrictions the United States Constitution places on government authority and become aware that the animal rights laws are an unconstitutional violation of human rights. As Albert Einstein reportedly stated: “the strength of the Constitution lies in the willingness of every American to defend it.”
We must study the Constitution. I’ve written several articles explaining how the law attempting to make criminals of Oklahoma’s gamecock farmers violate our God given constitutionally protected rights. Providing legal precedent that acknowledges that animals are property and the government has no authority to infringe on human rights using the excuse of protecting animals, and yet the cowards we elect into our government offices don’t have the courage to uphold their oath of office under Article 15 of the State Constitution and declare these laws an unconstitutional violation of our fundamental God given human rights.
Submitted by U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad, Jr. – Licensed Private Investigator (PO Box 136 Indiahoma, OK 73552)
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