The Villainous Vaccines
The Tulsa “Woke” World and The Daily “Disappointing” Oklahoman are replete with stories of supposed vaccine efficacy and where to get your next booster. A May 18th article in the latter says over 5,800 deaths could have been avoided if 100% of all Oklahoma adults got a Covid-19 vaccine. Their sources are schools of public health, who receive funds directly or indirectly from pharmaceutical and other health-industry sources. A more recent story touts the availability of vaccines for Oklahoma kids as young as six months old and quotes one public health doctor as “ecstatic”that her son became eligible for the vaccine. It was “literally the best news ever for my family,” said Dr. Donna Tyungu of OU Health.
The good doctor might feel otherwise if she objectively examined the mounting evidence of vaccine ineffectiveness, injury and even death. Thanks to the brave work of physicians, researchers and investigative reporters worldwide, much is known despite almost total censorship by mainstream and social media. To wit:
- The CDC recently released data showing a total of 1,329,135 reports of adverse events following injecting the Covid-19 vaccine over less than seven months. The data included a total of 29,273 reports of deaths and 241,910 serious injuries, 54,693 of which resulted in permanent disability. This data was submitted to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Of the deaths, 18,937 were attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 7,724 to Moderna and 2,545 to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual adverse events.
- Every country’s data shows negative efficacy from the vaccine shots. “The more you inject, the more you infect,” in the words of writer and podcaster Daniel Horowitz. Portugal, for instance, is the most vaccinated large country in Europe, but as of May 17, had the continent’s highest COVID case rate and second highest in the world behind Taiwan. In addition, the most vaccinated countries have the worst death rate curves (not just case curves), shortly after having boosted their population and with a variant (Omnicron) that is far less deadly than earlier ones. Evidence can also be seen in Finland,Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand – all countries that were barely affected by the pandemic until nearly everyone was “triple jabbed.” The same pattern can be observed in the U.S., where the most triple vaccinated states (mostly in the northeast), have the highest hospitalization rates while the lowest vaccinated states (in the south), have the lowest hospitalization rates.
- There is no logical basis, in fact it’s downright dangerous, to authorize vaccines for toddlers. The U.S., through the FDA, is the only Western country to start mRNA vaccinations for children from six months to five years. Sweden recently banned use of the same product for anyone under 30 years old, citing side effects that make the risk much greater than the reward. Children, in fact, are at extremely low risk of dying from COVID. Only 209 kids between six months and four years old died from COVID. Some of them likely had other medical issues (comorbidities). There are increasing reports of two- and three-year-old kids having seizures, most often two to five days after vaccination. Doctors and nurses are not allowed to report it, for fear of retribution from their employers. Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) has researched and reported extensively on this and other COVID-related matters.
- Increases in death rates are showing up in a multitude of ways. Lincoln National, the Nation’s fifth largest insurance company, paid out 163% more for non-Covid group insurance insurance death benefits in 2021 compared to the previous year. One America, another large nationwide insurer, said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among people ages 18-64. “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” said company CEO Scott Davison. The data is consistent across every player in this business.
- In a recent safety report, Germany’s renowned Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) reported 21 times as many deaths with COVID vaccines as with combined use of all other vaccines in Germany in the period 2000-2020. Expressed as a percentage, that is 2200%! The data also show that the more boosters a patient takes, the greater the risk becomes of suffering an adverse drug reaction (ADR), or death.
-One of the largest casket manufacturers in North America said their sales of typical caskets increased 20% last year, and their sales of small-size caskets for children have increased a whopping 400% since 2021. Funeral directors are also seeing a recent surge in deaths in children within a few months of taking the vaccine. They’re also alarmed by the mysterious blood clots showing up in vaccinated people of all ages.
- One embalmer, Richard Hirschman in Alabama, has been interviewed on alternative media such as The Stew Peters Show and by Steve Kirsch, but has been ignored by the mainstream media, the mainstream medical community and HHS agencies. He’s also discussed the matter with 15 of his peers, who have seen the same thing but won’t speak out publicly.
- Many athletes, mainly young, are suffering cardiac arrest or dying at an alarming rate. In 2021 and 2022 so far, a total of 1174 cardiac arrests and 779 dead have been documented. That’s about 22 times the normal rate for this time period. Many of these heart issues have come shortly after vaccination, and often occur in the middle of a game. What happens is toxic spike proteins can circulate in your body shortly after infection of COVID-19 injection. As your heart beats faster during intense athletic activity, the spike proteins circulate faster throughout your body, sometimes with tragic consequences. International soccer players frequent the death list, but some American athletes are on there, such as former NBA draft pick Brian Swannigan, who died at age 25, and NFL linebacker Jaylon Ferguson, who was 26, former Miami Hurricanes wide receiver Sam Bruce, 24, and most recently, former Notre Dame offensive lineman Paul Duncan, 35. All died suddenly, unexpectedly and of heart attacks or “unknown causes.” If something is posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social media possibly tying the vaccines to their deaths, it’s often removed, with no explanation given.
There’s more, such as:
1. A Swedish study that shows the Pfizer jab can modify DNA, which can lead to a host of problems, including birth defects.
2. An analysis of the VAERS data that shows a thousand fold increase in menstrual problems, a 50 fold increase in miscarriages and a 40 fold increase in fetal growth abnormalities.
3. An Israeli study of the COVID vaccines shows that sperm counts in males are reduced as a result of taking the second dose of the vaccine.
4. Investment executive and COVID researcher Edward Dowd reports that U.S. millennials, ages 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess non-COVID mortality during the first four months of 2021. He adds that the number of permanently disabled also soared during the pandemic.
5. Worst of all, release of the Pfizer documents (which they wanted to conceal for 75 years) reveal that the company and the FDA knew the vaccine was failing by August, 2021, but promoted it anyway. Both parties knew that the Pfizer vaccine reduced patient immunity and that it could be dangerous for children, as 35 children suffered permanent heart damage during the clinical trials.
Most of us did not suffer adverse consequences from the vaccines. But an alarming number have, with some paying the ultimate price. These vaccines never should have reached the market, especially when multiple studies and use in other countries have proven that alternative treatments such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and megadoses of certain vitamins are effective in treating COVID.
What allowed this to happen? Follow the money. The pharmaceutical industry spent over $300 million in 2020 lobbying officeholders and government officials – more than any other industry group. They spend nearly $15 billion annually on television and digital advertising, mostly aimed at consumers and industry. (That’s twice what is spent on new cancer drug research.) Pfizer expects $32 billion in COVID vaccine sales in 2022, while Moderna is forecasting $19 billion. “These vaccines are the most profitable product in the history of modern medicine,” says mRNA technology pioneer Dr. Robert Malone.
In addition, many government researchers and regulatory bodies receive royalty payments and/or funding from the very companies they’re mandated to oversee. Much of this crony capitalism and the destruction it has wrought can be reversed or at least stopped. Let’s hope Oklahomans reject future mRNA shots as well as contact their senators and congressmen and demand they launch investigations. The Democrats won’t do it. Perhaps the Republicans will – beginning in January, 2023.
Tim Bakamjian is an independent real estate broker and investor living in Tulsa. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Kenyon College in Ohio and a bachelor’s in journalism from the University of Tulsa. He’s married with one grown child. Political and economic issues have been a life-long interest. He may be contacted at:
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