Education, Technology, and Control
By Linda Murphy
What could once only be found in the imagination or in a science fiction movie – a scene where human beings are being programmed to override their own free will and freedom of conscience – is now a reality. These social engineering processes are being imposed on large segments of the public, with the aid of technology. The systems are implemented using various methods specifically created to train and control individuals.
Wide Scale Social Engineering
Environmental Social Governance Scores (ESGs) – can cause people to modify their behavior to meet the predetermined “outcomes” established by the United Nations and other entities pushing Sustainable Development Goals for the environment and for “social justice” causes. Using technology, individuals are tracked, monitored, recorded, and rewarded or punished according to their compliance with the “desirable outcomes” set by banks and other institutions aligned with the UN agenda.
Adaptive Learning – Students work independently on lessons uniquely prepared for them following the on-line collection and storage of their performance data to establish their profile. Their personal data is then utilized by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform to predict what curriculum and testing is “needed” to teach them the predetermined concepts programmed into the system. This type of learning system is often programmed to teach “the whole child” not only a measured amount of academic knowledge and skill, according to their career plan, but also a selected set of attitudes, values, and beliefs. If the student fails to achieve the desired measurable performance “outcome,” the system redirects them to repeated presentations of the concept until they “get it right.”
These two examples illustrate the use of technology based “social engineering,” which is quickly spreading through-out business and education today. These processes are based on B F Skinner’s theory of “Operant Conditioning” (or instrumental conditioning), a type of learning where behavior is changed by immediate consequences. Behavior that is reinforced (rewarded) will likely be repeated, and behavior that is punished will occur less frequently.
Conflicting Worldviews
These programs are “training” individuals to conform to a predetermined mindset and worldview separate from their own worldview, their own thinking, and their own choices. This type of “learning” causes an individual to be conditioned to respond to external or outside forces rather than through their own internal motivation. In fact, Skinner trained lab animals incapable of higher order thinking skills, to work out his theory. Operant Conditioning is well known today in the field of psychology.
American society and public education at its best, has aimed to “educate” individuals with facts, knowledge, information, and skills that help prepare them to make their own choices in what to believe and how to behave. Free will and well-developed intellectual abilities enable individuals to make choices based on knowledge, understanding and personal preference as they form their worldview.
One of the most concerning efforts to control the American mindset comes from a well-documented and funded movement to infuse acceptance of global citizenship into the thinking of children and adults. This ideology has been advanced widely in America. Good global citizens are expected to have unity and harmony with other religious views, be free of nationalism and adherence to values and beliefs coming from the home and church, which disapprove of changing sexual preferences and other issues that are in opposition to their beliefs. The pressure to change an individual’s worldview quickly brings concern to many students, parents, and others when they are urged to go against their own attitudes, values, and beliefs.
Patrick Wood of Technocracy News published some of his findings in, “Global Schooling: The Hijacking of American Education.” He identifies “foundations like Carnegie Corporation, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, and others, who backed those working toward globalist ends. The result is the total subversion of American education into the hands of a relatively small band of global elitists. There was no public or political mandate for their policies or actions.”
As far back as 1979, in his book Schooling for a Global Age, Robert Leestma of the U.S. Office of Education wrote: “National security today involves more than military preparation. Global education is one of the essential new dimensions.”
“The globalization of the human condition is interweaving the destinies of all nations and peoples at an accelerating rate and affecting many aspects of life. Global education involves multidisciplinary perspectives about the extended human family, the existing condition of mankind and the planet, and foreseeable consequences of present trends and alternative choices.” The “new green” agenda being pushed today can be seen in this ideology. You will also see many of these same “philanthropists” funding Public Broadcasting System (PBS) programs.
The noted financial backers of the studies include:
The Danforth Foundation
The John D. Rockefeller III Fund
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Charles F. Kettering Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Needmor Fund
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
U.S. Office of Education
National Institute of Education
Government and Global Corporate Control
Bill Gates, who wants to “fix the world,” according to Wired magazine, provided multi-million-dollar funding for Common Core, which has been proven to limit academics and infuse the acceptance of global ideology. He worked together with the National Governor’s Association (NGA), Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), U.S. Chamber of Commerce and global corporations in writing the Common Core State Standards and Testing. Global corporations have a major “seat at the table” in K-12 education plans still today with the infusion of workforce training processes gaining more and more time taken from academic scheduling.
Technology is used in workforce hiring and firing choices, that are increasingly made by Artificial Intelligence. A Washington Post article, Feb. 2023, entitled: “Layoffs? Companies Turn to AI To Pick the Throwaways” explains: “A January survey of 300 human resources leaders at U.S. companies revealed that 98 percent of them say software and algorithms will help them make layoff decisions this year.” Also, “Days after mass layoffs trimmed 12,000 jobs at Google, hundreds of former employees flocked to an online chatroom to commiserate about the seemingly erratic way they had suddenly been made redundant.”
I have just touched on the understanding of how Education and Workforce Development are well on their way to being fully controlled from the top down using technology and data-based decision making. It is not hard to see how a system like the rigid German Government system controlling education and employment can sort and eliminate or approve people before they even graduate from K-12 education.
Some scholars call this a “machinist” system. It is capable of totally replacing human interaction, judgment and discretion leading to very harmful results. Psychological methods, which were used in K-12 education with students who had significant behavior problems that could cause harm to themselves or others are being implemented in some districts with all students. Behavior Modification is a university course I took in Teacher Education to help students in Special Ed. to change harmful behavior. The expanded use today is being applied to accomplish political agendas that seek to control the population.
If you do your own research on these issues, I think most people will agree with these concerns about allowing the loss of local control, parental and student’s rights. There are many questions, which arise when we understand the financial and political power of people who want to take control over the systems that directly affect our lives and the lives of our children. Global corporate money is a large part of the donor base for political candidates and elected officials.
We need to be informed and involved when legislation and policies are being considered on the state and national level. The authority of government agencies to collect personal data, store the data, and use it has increased. We need to know who set the rules? Who sets the goals, outcomes, and measurement systems? Who decides what is important? How do students and parents have an opportunity to exercise their rights in decisions being made? Every Oklahoman should be concerned about top-down control of education and how technology is being used or misused regardless of their political party because this is a basically about Freedom!
Linda Murphy was Oklahoma Governor Keating’s Education Advisor, Deputy Commissioner of Labor for Workforce Education and Training, Administrator of the Eastern Oklahoma Department of Labor, Member of the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and the Governor’s School-to-Work Council. She was a candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1994, 1998 and 2018. Murphy was appointed by Governor Keating as Secretary of Education, but was denied confirmation by the majority Democrat Education Committee, following her 49.5% statewide vote in 1994. She also served on the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women. More recently, she has served as chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party’s Committee on Education. She is chairman of the OK Educators Network. You may contact Linda at:
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