Pictured: John Michener
Majorities to Mandate Murder in Some States
Here is a list of the states and what each has proposed to enshrine in its constitution:
1. Arizona: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Proposition 139 would enshrine abortion until fetal viability.
2. Colorado: If approved by at least 55% of the voters, Amendment 79 would enshrine all abortion and allow public funding.
3. Florida: If approved by at least 60% of the voters, Amendment 4 would enshrine abortion until fetal viability.
4. Maryland: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Question 1 would enshrine all abortion.
5. Missouri: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Amendment 3 would enshrine abortion until fetal viability.
6. Montana: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Initiative 128 would enshrine abortion until fetal viability.
7. Nebraska: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Initiative 434 would enshrine abortion in the first trimester.
8. Nevada: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Question 6 would enshrine abortion until fetal viability.
9. South Dakota: If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Amendment G would enshrine abortion during the first and second trimesters.
10. New York: The NY Constitution currently offers protection from discrimination based on static characteristics such as sex, ethnicity, and age. If approved by more than 50% of the voters, Proposal 1 would add one’s choice of sexual orientation, choice of gender identity, choice of gender expression, and one’s choice to abort her child to the list of protected statuses.
Every measure except for the ones in Maryland and New York supposedly originated from the people. Of course, some liberal group in each state was behind each measure and simply funded the work to gather the tens of thousands of signatures required in each state to get the measure on the ballot.
Could this kind of measure appear on a future ballot in Oklahoma? Yes! Any person or organization with deep enough pockets can hire an army of signature gatherers. With over 1.1 million Democratic, Libertarian, and Independent voters in Oklahoma, it would not be difficult to gather the 172,993 signatures required to propose a change to our state constitution.
In a sane world, righteous judges, attorneys general, or legislatures would disallow such questions. Unfortunately, the world is no longer sane, and magistrates have been brainwashed to laud and pursue “democracy.” Democracy is simply tyranny of the majority. It is mob rule dressed up as polite politics, but it is still theft and murder under the protection of “law.”
Much of our trouble stems from the longstanding belief of some pro-lifers that they must obey immoral and unconstitutional court opinions. By treating Roe v. Wade as legitimate law for forty-nine years, pro-lifers programmed themselves to continue the habit so that even now if a judge says the people get to vote on murder, then some pro-lifers see it as a legitimate democratic act of government. That trend has spread beyond corrupt court opinions. Nowadays, any evil executive orders or sinful statutes must also be obeyed simply because they are issued forth from an elected executive or legislative body. For a deeper look at this problem, see Chapter 10, “No Other Gods: The Judiciary,” in my new book Overcoming the Dark Side of the Pro-life Movement.
This trend has also emboldened progressive state judges to take matters into their own hands and issue their own Roe-like rulings. For example, on 30 September 2024 Georgia’s Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney struck down one of Georgia’s abortion bans, writing: “[D]oes a Georgian’s right to liberty of privacy encompass the right to make personal healthcare decisions? Plainly it does.” There is no need for mob rule in Georgia. A pro-abortion judge has matters well in hand.
While the Oklahoma Supreme Court is just as progressive as Judge McBurney in Georgia, the justices may relish the opportunity to let the voters decide, rather than to too obviously condemn the preborn to death. Even though the Oklahoma Constitution states, “All persons have the inherent right to life…” (Article 2 § 2) and “No person shall be deprived of life…without due process of law” (Article 2 § 7), our black-robed tyrants would no doubt allow such an unconstitutional measure to go to a vote of the people.
Remember, the constitution of every state in the union repeats the guarantee found in the U.S. Constitution that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law. We need our governor, attorney general, and legislature to work together to uphold God’s law and our constitutions. They must work to prevent such measures from reaching the ballot. On the other hand, judicial reform should be put on the ballot, so that our current crop of corrupt supreme court justices can be forced into retirement.
Thanks to the propaganda supporting democracy, a popular vote to deprive our preborn neighbors of life may have the appearance of a legal act, but majority votes do not make murder morally acceptable. The preborn are innocent and therefore cannot be either morally or legally put to death.
John Michener is the Director of Oklahomans United for Life (OUL). You can contact him at:
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