Manufactured Virus, Manufactured Crisis
By Shane Smith
In the January 2023 edition of the academic journal Environmental Research, a paper was published that should have made headline news around the world. Entitled, “Age-stratified Infection Fatality Rate of COVID-19 in the Non-elderly Population,” Stanford professor John Ioannidis calculated the pre-vaccine fatality rate of COVID-19 among the under-70 age groups, and the final numbers should have been shocking to everyone who had previously consented and advocated for lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates.What professor Ioannidis found was this: A median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.0003% for ages 0-19, 0.002% for ages 20-29, 0.011% for 30-39, 0.035% for 40-49, 0.123 for 50-59, and 0.506% for 60-69. These IFR figures are less than seasonal flu, and a far cry from the predictions made by the media and public health bodies. At the global level, Ioannidis estimates that IFR for ages 0-59 was as low as 0.03%, and 0.07% for ages 0-69. These are the rates from March 2020 up until the first mRNA vaccine rolled out, back when we were made to believe that a Doomsday Virus had reared its head and was stalking the globe, one that we were told required a self-inflicted economic crisis as our only defense.
Again, this should’ve made front page news, but that’s assuming our corporate media retains any measure of honesty. Headlines should’ve read, “The Great False Alarm,” or “COVID-19: Less Dangerous than the Flu!,” or “Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, School Closures: All for Nothing.” Instead, the paper received no mainstream press coverage, and it’s no surprise. The same corporate press that conjured the panic surrounding COVID-19, molded the narrative, and ignited the most destructive instance of mass hysteria in human history would never turn around and admit that they were wrong.
In this sense, the virus was completely man-made. Not only that it was hatched in a Wuhan lab (it probably was), but that the story of this bogeyman virus was as carefully crafted as the actual virus. For lack of a better word, people became hypnotized by the tale of an apocalyptic contagion, infected by it, and passed it on to others. A true psychological virus. And this purely mental contagion wreaked far more havoc than the actual virus ever could. A large part of the story of the bogeyman virus centered upon the initial, and wildly incorrect, infection fatality rate calculation made by Anthony Fauci while testifying before Congress on March 11, 2020, when he authoritatively stated that COVID-19 has a 3% mortality rate, and is “10 times more deadly than seasonal flu.” This baseless, insane claim sent the world into a tailspin of fear, and much of the following government-inflicted damage can be traced to Fauci’s incessant fear-mongering. He bears much responsibility for the socio-economic disaster that followed.
And so we were browbeaten into staying home, avoiding people, and wearing ridiculous masks everywhere we went. We were told that this would protect our elderly population while the virus circulated. But here is something that you won’t hear from the mainstream press: excess death among all age groups was higher in 2021 and much of 2022 than in the plague year of 2020. Visit, use the interactive graph, and ask yourself, what is causing all these extra deaths and why aren’t we being made aware that they’re occurring? It’s not COVID. Now we venture into the disturbing realization that, while COVID is not causing this excess death, our government’s response to COVID did cause them, and the continued increase in death is a result of reverberations of our government’s unprecedented actions in 2020. In hindsight it’s incomprehensible what we allowed to happen: vast shutdowns of economic activity, school closures, the isolation and abuse of our elderly by nursing homes and hospitals, et cetera.
The cherry on top undoubtedly has been the rollout of probably the most dangerous pharmaceutical product to have ever made it to market. The mRNA vaccines were sold as our way out of the pandemic, a “Warp Speed” pharmaceutical meant only for those at high risk of COVID complications. That lie was exposed very quickly, as the experimental jabs were soon cleared for use by every age group, with vaccine mandates following close behind. The unvaccinated were insulted, marginalized, ostracized, threatened, and punished, for refusing the jabs. Even the President of the United States fanned the flames of hate towards the unvaccinated.
The lies surrounding the vaccine were just as coordinated as those surrounding COVID: “The vaccines are 100% safe and effective!” “The vaccine prevents the spread of the virus!” These were repeated ad nauseum by the corporate puppets who have been tasked with holding together the pandemic narrative. But like any lie, the truth manages to weasel its way in sooner or later.
We now know that the mRNA vaccines are causing widespread heart damage in young and old alike. A recent paper published in the European Journal of Pediatrics, entitled, “Changes of ECG Parameters after BNT162b2 Vaccine in Senior High School Students,” found that 17% of the students experienced at least one cardiac symptom after the second dose, and 1 in 100 experiencing an abnormal ECG. Steve Kirsch recently released a shocking report that the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters for pilots back in October. Kirsch is of the opinion that this is a tacit admission that the vaccines have damaged the hearts of a large number of pilots. He estimates that 50 million Americans may have vaccine-induced heart damage. What would the data show if every vaccinated American underwent an EKG or cardiac troponin test?
If heart damage weren’t enough, reports of menstrual irregularities began emerging almost immediately after the vaccine received approval for young women. The powers that be gaslit us for as along as possible regarding these claims, but even the mainstream press eventually admitted that the vaccines were causing menstrual cycle problems. How reckless of public health officials to pressure women to receive it, and how evil of our government to threaten them with loss of employment lest they play Russian Roulette with their very fertility.
The mounting VAERS reports of post-vaccine death and injury are grim: children found dead in their bedrooms by their parents, patients collapsing in the waiting area at Walgreens, nursing home residents found dead the day after the vax van shows up, athletes dropping on the field, and many, many stories of severe and permanent injury. This is an historic disaster, a massive crime, and there must be an accounting.
How do we ever trust a medical or public health professional again, after what we’ve lived through and what we’ve seen? The only answer is, we don’t. Not blindly, anyway. We have endured the greatest public health crisis in history, but a crisis almost entirely man-made. The crisis lay in our government’s totalitarian response to a virus that had received a preemptive public relations makeover by the corporate press working in concert with corrupt global health organizations. The public was primed, by the media, to accept total government control: lockdowns, school closures, masks, involuntary quarantine on a mass scale, censorship, as well as the mRNA Kool-Aid to round everything off. We were confronted with total evil, and we had no clue what to do, so we complied.
What did our compliance achieve? Nothing. What did it cost us? Almost everything. How many will take to heart this hard lesson? How will future generations understand the truth about what happened in 2020, when those responsible for the crisis are now writing the history books? Our duty now is to the rising generation, to ensure that the truth is preserved. To ensure that it never happens again.
Shane Smith is a pro-liberty writer based in Norman, Oklahoma. He blogs at:, and can be reached at:
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