Lankfords Border Solution Is a Bad Joke!
By Shane Smith
In December of last year, CBS News reported that the U.S. Border Patrol processed 225,000 illegal immigrants, the largest monthly total in the agency’s history. In November, the border patrol recorded 242,418 encounters with illegal immigrants. And, 218,73 illegal migrants were arrested in September, followed by 188,788 in October.We’re witnessing waves of “unaccompanied minors” crossing over from Mexico, along with millions of military-aged men streaming over since Biden took office. There were 2.5 million total illegal border encounters in 2023. Over two million occurred in 2022, and just under 2 million in 2021.
The word “crisis” seems inadequate to convey the chaos and lawlessness at our border. To add insult to injury has been the flippant attitude on the part of the Biden administration and his open borders lackey, Alejandro Mayorkas. The American citizenry constantly hears the term “migrants” when referring to the hundreds of thousands of people hopping our border illegally each month. “Illegal” being the operative term here. This isn’t mere illegal immigration, but a flood, an invasion, of the lawless from all over the world.
The rate of this invasion has skyrocketed since Biden took office. DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has utterly failed in his duty to secure our border, or even give an appearance that he cares at all about this crisis. Our back door seems to be held open on purpose, and all signs point to the grim reality that Biden, the Democrats, and even a handful of Republicans, want this invasion to continue as a permanent fact of reality, a “new norm” if you will, that we Americans should just accept.
One of those Republicans is our own Oklahoma senator, James Lankford, whose border deal details recently leaked, painting a picture of an Oklahoma senator ready to enshrine the southern invasion into law.
The alleged details of the bill, recently leaked to the Immigration Accountability Project, would give all illegal immigrants immediate work permits upon release from custody, an increase in green cards by 50,000 per year, a daily “catch-and-release” policy of 5,000 illegals per day into the U.S., and green cards for adult children of H-1B visa holders.
This would do nothing except guarantee in perpetuity what is already unfolding at our border. No, we are not obligated to increase green cards by 50,000 a year. No, we don’t need to let in 5,000 illegal immigrants on a daily basis. No, giving work permits to every illegal immigrant released from custody is not something that Americans should even remotely consider.
This would be an open borders bill, and we should face the fact that Lankford appears fine with an open border. Full stop. How any American can put his name on such a legislative atrocity, much less a Republican senator from our state, is beyond me, and beyond the pale. We should be enraged that our elected leaders care so little.
Why does the entire world feel entitled to live here, and why should we feel obligated to let them? No self-respecting nation would tolerate such a demeaning and disastrous situation, and they would put an end to it immediately. But we can no longer be said to be a nation with self-respect or self-confidence. Our political class cares far more about Ukraine’s border than our own. We are under invasion of the lawless from the entire world, and Lankford is apparently ready to throw America under the bus, all in the name of “compromise.”
The time for compromise has passed, Senator. This isn’t some complex problem, or “Rubik’s Cube,” as Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) put it. You either work diligently to seal our border, immediately deport everyone who has snuck in back to the other side of the border, or you leave DC and let someone with more concern for our future as a nation take your place.
We are not obligated to accept as a fact of reality two million illegal immigrants pouring into our nation every year. We are not obligated to cater to the wants and desires of every person crossing our border illegally or currently residing here illegally. We, legal citizens of the United States, deserve a sealed and secured border. For our sake, the sake of our children, and the sake of our future as a nation.
The only solution is mass deportation, followed by a permanent military presence along our border. Mexico is not only doing nothing to assist in stemming the tide, they are aiding and abetting massive caravans, hastily ushering them through as they arrive at their own southern border from South and Central America. The Mexican politicians sweet talk thugs like Mayorkas and Blinken, and we’re supposed to just accept it at face value. I’m sorry, but no longer.
I would go further. With Mexico, no more kid gloves. The United States should extend its southern border south of the Rio Grande, establishing a permanent military border south of the river. This would remove the insane, dangerous attempts by the migrants of crossing the river, and to let Mexico know that we are no longer screwing around on this issue. That may sound extreme, but the problem itself is extreme. Mexico has not been a good neighbor regarding our shared border. The time for talk has passed.
This isn’t just about securing our border. This is about preserving the United States as a serious, safe, and prosperous nation. No nation is obligated to roll out the red carpet the way Biden has done, and Lankford wishes to continue. Everyone from around the world comes here, gorges on taxpayer-financed offerings while insulting the ones picking up the tab. They arrive, refuse to leave, demanding “asylum” and a stipend. For too long we’ve been browbeaten into accepting this.
We’ve seen the spectacle of American veterans being tossed out of their lodging to make way for “the refugees.” We recently watched an entire public school in New York forced to close for several days so the “migrants” could sleep in the gym.
This is a farce that Americans should reject in toto.
The human traffickers, thugs, criminals, vagrants, rapists, murderers, and the millions pouring over in order to be handed a guaranteed monthly stipend, a phone, and other goodies, paid for by us (as well as law-abiding immigrants, I should add) need to be unceremoniously rounded up and dumped back in Mexico.
The United States must once again become a serious country. No longer should we be seen as an international buffet, to be picked apart while legal Americans suffer and pay the tab. We’re tired of paying it, and we’re tired of being laughed at while we do. The time has long since passed for a feeble “compromise,” of which Lankford’s bill is.
We need a real solution. Immediate mass deportation of every who has entered illegally, a permanent military operation spanning the entire southern border, an immediate end to the presence that Mexico is playing fair, and a message sent to the world that if you try to break in, we’ll unceremoniously throw you out.
We are American citizens and we deserve better, we demand better. Our children and grandchildren deserve a serious, self-respecting nation, not this superpower-as-clown routine that Biden has brought to the White House. Our leaders are pathetic, and many of our supposed “allies” equally so. We are a mockery on the global stage, and for good reason.
I’m tired of the clown show, I no longer find it amusing. Lankford is the most unfunny of them all. His smug imbecility is an insult to the office of Senator, and a disgrace to this state. We need serious men and women in office again, adults who understand the gravity of the situation, and who won’t fold like a wet paper bag at the negotiating table. It’s time to treat the opponents of a closed border as hostile and borderline treasonous. No negotiation is possible with those so willing to dismantle the nation of Washington, Jefferson, and Adams. We’ve come a long way from those courageous men. It’s time to find their like again, because we are sorely in need of them.
Shane Smith is a pro-liberty writer based in Norman, Oklahoma. He blogs at:
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