The Time Is Now for the Great Christian Reset
With the outcome of the Presidential election, and then the loss of the two Republican Senators in Georgia, discerning Christians and conservatives know we have entered into a serious change in America. A change which may lead us back into the type of tyranny that existed before our War of Independence which began in 1776.
The seeds of that war, and the desire for liberty, were sown in the Great Awakening years before we ever started fighting on the battlefields. When our Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was adjourning, Ben Franklin was asked what type of government had been created? His answer was a “Republic,” and he then warned and challenged us that it would be difficult to keep such a form of government. But, our Republic has lasted longer than any other throughout history of which I am aware. The general election of last November and the Georgia runoff on January 5th have signaled the onset of at least “soft” if not “hard” tyranny for our future.
With these things in mind, people today are concerned, and in some case scared. Many folks are looking for direction on what to do next. The rest of this article will consist of things I believe we as Christians and conservatives have done to facilitate our problems, and the changes we need to do to return, not to life before the plandemic and dramatic political upheaval, but to a life of Godly character and right standing (Righteousness) in Him. If Biblical Christians, not cultural Christians, will closely examine the meaning of Deut. 7-14, then come into agreement with those truths, the land of our hearts will first be healed then our literal state and perhaps nation be healed.
1) We must understand the importance of Holiness before a Holy God and obedience to His will for our lives. When we do those two things, we come into a “righteous” relationship with Him.
2) We are in a war! While its manifestation is cultural, at its foundation it is spiritual. All three institutions created by God are under attack – the family, the church and government. The other side has been at war with us for a long time and only a few Christians have understood this. Unless the broader church wakes up and engages this reality, we will lose and that loss will be costly. Real people will suffer, and maybe worse be killed by the enemies of Good. I highly recommend reading Live Not by Lies – a Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher. Written just a few months ago, it may be the best picture of what is to come and how to live in and push back against an oppressive culture and government.
3) In general, Christians have not been purposeful enough in how we live our lives and especially in how we “train up” our children. Too many times we have left the training up to the schools, Sunday school, and have used TV and computers to occupy their time to allow us some leisure. Allowing our children an excessive amount of time with their peers has in many cases been detrimental to their development. At the earliest age, children learn through observation. We should keep them around ourselves, as well as other Mature Christian adults, as much as possible and hold to a minimum the time they spend with their piers. That is if you want them to grow up to be well balanced and productive adults.
4) We must realize the government (public) schools are not so much about education, but rather indoctrination laboratories. While I am thankful for every Christian teacher willing to stand up to the problems in the government schools, the public schools have been taken over by the progressives and are being used to turn our children into little socialists. I would challenge parents to find ways to get their children out of the government schools, and into high quality private schools, or homeschool them. I don’t care if people have to sell their nice home and move into a mobile home to be able to afford a private school. I also recommend checking out the online program know as Freedom Project Academy. It is reasonably priced and has not one ounce of common core in the curriculum. Its history and economics teachings are excellent.
5) One of the main goals of the socialists is to intimidate into submission or eliminate the middle class. Their goal is to have only the ruling class and the ruled class. The middle class is the only group that might join together and have enough resources to remove the ruling class, thus the attack on small businesses as those are the resources of the middle class. Therefore, we must ask ourselves just how much responsibility we bare in the destruction of small businesses as we have. Out of convenience, we have chosen to buy our products on line and have those products delivered to us rather than driving to our local businesses to purchase the things we need or want?
While technology is kind of cool and allows us to do many things, such as buy online and have delivered, pay bills, do electronic banking and etc., we must ask, have we been a part of building huge mega corporations such as Amazon, Google, Apple, Twitter and Facebook. Many of us are just now waking up to the realization that those giant corporations have enormous control over our lives, and much of that control is not going to be for our good.
6) There is a huge push in society to transition into a cashless society. If successful, individual liberty will be at great risk. We as Christians may have participated in the creation of what the Bible describes as “the mark of the beast” a system in which no man can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. I don’t want to speculate what the actual mark of the beast might be; however, a cashless society really advances such a system. Years ago, and for many years, I only used cash or check for everything. Then we started using a credit card again for convenience and those cash back rewards. Over the past 16 years we have built three new homes, and in each of those years that we built a new home our cash back was around a $1,000 just on purchases for the homes. Last year our cash back rewards was over $500 without building a new home. While I still intend to purchase gas at the pump and pay for insurance by credit card, I want to transition back to cash for more of my everyday transactions.
7) We must use our economic power in this culture war. The left has been doing so for years and it is one of the reasons the corporate world has been supporting the left. Many, not all, corporations care little about issues, they are focused on business expansion and profits. The left has successfully staged boycotts, and now simply the threats of a boycott is enough to get corporations on board with the left. Only when corporations realize it will be more costly to side with the left than the right will they begin to support the right. We desperately need to support as much as possible businesses that are owned and run well by Christians, and businesses that advertise on conservative media, and avoid doing businesses with the enemies of good.
8) Our greatest threat from within is the Marxist/Communist agenda pushed by what is a small number of dedicated ideologues and a large number of deceived low information followers, described by the left as “useful idiots.” We must oppose their agenda and try to liberate those deceived with truth. Our greatest threat from foreign sources is Communist China, closely followed by Russia. As much as possible we need to stop buying products made in China. We also need to ask retailers to put pressure on companies from which they purchase, and insist those products be made in America, or at least countries that don’t pose the threat we face from China.
9) Christians, if your pastor does not PROPERLY address subjects such as abortion, homosexuality, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, socialism, communism etc, then you are in a church that does not engage in the one culture war which is actually a spiritual issue. Approach your pastor, ask him why. Ask your pastor to study those issues and begin to exhibit some Biblical leadership in those areas. Encourage them along and give them six months to start doing so. If they refuse, then it is time to find a new church. Be sure and tell them why you are leaving. Quiz pastors at prospective new churches how they deal with those issues before you begin attending. If you need help finding a good church contact me at and I may be able to help. As a last resort, there are churches that have online services in which they preach a non-compromised gospel and provide excellent culture war information.
10) From a political standpoint I believe Oklahoma’s premier organization is the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC), now in our 29th year. We are the oldest, largest, and most active conservative club in Oklahoma. Our new president of a little over two years, Bob Lynn, is actually a theologian and has thus infused the importance of Christian principles into the political arena far more than I did in the past. Check us out at OCPAC.US and consider supporting our efforts. There are also other non-political organizations such as JBS.ORG, the 912 groups, Reclaiming America for Christ, City Elders, the Tulsa Liberty Center, the Ecclesia of Oklahoma, OK2A, Parental Rights and others that may deserve support for this spiritual war in which we engage. To win, we must engage far more people than are involved today.
Charlie Meadows is the founder and former president of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC ). He now holds the title of President Emeritus. He may be contacted at:
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